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The Hum Map is back online, but …

The DNS pointers to the new host have now propagated, although your browser may still be caching the old site for a few hours.

And, I am working with a volunteer who has generously offered to help me sort out some organizational issues with the two databases that serve the Hum Map. I am turning my attention to that issue next.


Switching hosts – the Hum Map is down for now

I’m sorting out some web publishing issues.

I need a competent MySQL+cPanel user to help with something

I’ve spent a few hours now looking at the Hum Map databases and the PHP code that accesses it, and something is not right. I suspect that there are thousands of points that are missing from the Hum Map – my own original 2012 location included!

There are several MySQL databases in play, and my Google Drive is loaded with various backups and testing files. I suspect that an experienced and competent MySQL+cPanel user could sort this out without too much time or effort.

I would of course announce your help and link to your LinkedIn or other profile.

Cheers, Glen.

Sam Bassett is looking for some people from the UK to participate and appear in a documentary

From Sam:

“Hello everyone. I hope you’re all doing well. 

For a while now, I’ve been researching the “hum” phenomenon. About a year ago, Glen and I, the creator of this website, had an in depth conversation about the topic. 

My research has been for a documentary that I am now starting production on. I am looking for Individuals in the UK or Europe that experience the hum, and want to explore the possibility of either speaking with them to glean more information on the subject, or who are willing to be featured in the film.

Your unique perspectives and stories could contribute greatly to this exploration. There’s no rush, and I appreciate any information you’re comfortable sharing. Thank you so much for considering it. Your input means a lot to me!

If you wish to send me an email please contact me on samjbassett@gmail.com

I will happily share my previous documentary work in documentary on receiving your email.

Many thanks,

Sam Bassett”

ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Tom Whalley has produced an excellent piece on The Hum


Losing (a little) Ground

If you look at the date on my previous post here, you’ll see that I have slowed down my activity on this project. I explained previously that we have plateaued in some ways, as we wait for a serious laboratory to move things forward.

But this has come at a price. I receive news alerts in my inbox whenever a story appears about nuisance noises, unexplained sounds, and so on. The majority of these stem from industrial activity near human populations, but over the past year I have noticed increasing numbers of stories about people who are looking at the World Hum, and I am somewhat dismayed by the trivial and unscientific material I am reading. It is a little sad – yet also funny – that one fellow thought it would be a good idea to start making a map of Hum locations.

It would indeed be sad if we devolved back to 2012 when this project started – back to the so-called “electronically targeted individuals”, “sky trumpets”, the “song of Gaia”, and a long list of other easily discreditable assertions. So I will continue to accept media requests when they come in, and update the Hum Map once or twice per year, just to keep things going.

I do regret the very large and growing number of unanswered emails in my inbox. My response rate is (too) low, but I need to attend to my daughters, actual paid work, my dog, and a few other projects – some academic, some otherwise.

Talk you again, before too long.

The Endless Struggle

Yes, every once in a (long) while I resort to dramatic clickbait-type headlines, but the title is actually quite accurate. Over the past few months I have received a number of emails from people asking about HAARP, The Schumann Frequencies, foil shielding helmets (seriously), and on and on. I sat back and I wondered if, over the past 10 years, our project has made the slightest impact or move forward.

It has. One article alone has reached over 1 000 000 people, in addition to the probably tens of millions of others through other media. And then I sat and thought about the students who walk into my classroom every year who know little to nothing about certain subject areas. I start from scratch every year with all of them and, if the taxpayers got their money’s worth, I make a small dent in ignorance, superstition, and lazy thinking. My efforts on the Hum seem to parallel this in many ways.

Until we make an important theoretical or experimental breakthrough, there is little this project can do except teach, advocate, and keep this issue alive. We think we know what the World Hum is, although we have no solid theories about why it started when it did or why it seemed to propagate the way it did. We need the effort and support of others to push through to a conclusion.

One more time, I ask for a university or serious private laboratory to get interested in this serious topic and help us bring a definitive answer to all this. Two other major historical efforts were made on this topic, but ours is the first in the internet age, and it is time to solve this. I wouldn’t mind retreating from the public eye and returning to a more typical life.



We’re back online with the new World Hum Map 3.0. www.thehum.info

Apparently the Chrome Browser is rendering things a bit strangely sometimes. What a great opportunity to dump it and start using what is far and away my favourite, The Brave Browser – private, full-featured, and ultra-fast. I have no relationship or connection whatsoever with the company.

The new Hum Map 3.0 Website is being uploaded – the site will be down for up to 24 hours

The Hum Map 3.0 Website is being uploaded – the site will be down for up to 24 hours.
