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The NHK (Japan National Broadcasting) Documentary Filming

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What a pleasure it was to work with Tomofumi Sakamoto (Director, GEN TV Production) and Takayo Nagasawa (Production Coordinator, Cinemic) today on the documentary they are preparing for NHK, which will air in July 2018. NHK has one of the largest viewing audiences in the world, and this is an excellent opportunity to inform the Japanese public about the Worldwide Hum. From the beginning, I have said that if we maintain a serious, critical, and scientific approach to this topic, we will normalize The Hum and eventually involve a governmental, university, or private laboratory in this investigation, and will we have our answer.

Again, I remind people that progress is slow, but measurable and inexorable. We are closer than ever to solving this scientific mystery and we will find the source of the Worldwide Hum. So let’s stay focused, and let’s reject pseudoscience and ridiculous conspiracies. Let’s stick to the science and the facts.



  1. David says:

    Well done Glen and that is NHK.


    Speaking as a sufferer I am more interested in telling of the misery and pain of being able to hear this hum.

    I was working in Ushguli, Georgia a few days ago which is the highest village in Europe. I could hear the Hum and Im leaning towards the Hum being created by the power lines littered all over. Someone else has suggested the Hum could be the power grid interacting with the ionosphere but I’m a sufferer not a scientist so I hope our stories of suffering will garner attention from the scientific field.

  2. annamaeforever says:

    Glen, Thanks for all your efforts, support and encouragement ,, don’t know where I would be without it.

    • I’m starting to view this project along the lines of climbing a mountain. There’s no magic formula except to put one foot in front of the other, and then you wake up one day and notice the ground you’ve covered. The key is to be relentless and disciplined. This will not happen by itself, and if one ever asks when “they” will get serious about the Worldwide Hum, one doesn’t realize that “they” is us. We are on our own, but we will wear down the walls of apathy and incredulity and move toward a solution. All the best.

  3. Lisa M. Allen says:

    Just saw your post, Glen. Well said.

  4. Richard Taylor says:

    Tomofumi Sakamoto is such a good guy!

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